BUILD documents a handful of projects that are saving the urban fabric
BUILDblog break+
BUILD celebrates one year of the blog with a look at our up coming trip to Scandinavia.
Urban Blight+
BUILD expresses our dislike of the townhouse style that is popping up around Seattle.
Densities & Openings+
BUILD looks at the density of different cities around the globe compared to Seattle.
Better Know a Neighborhood: U-District & Ravenna+
BUILD gets to know the U-District and Ravenna neighborhoods of Seattle.
Floating Houses+
Why put houses on land when you could put them on water; BUILD explores the possibilities.
Modern House: materials and methods of the current time+
BUILD shares the recently completed Ferrin Residence.
Heating Systems for Small Homes+
BUILD looks at the methods of heating homes, especially small projects.
Masters of Industrial Design+
BUILD looks at integrating industrial designed objects into the modern home.
Graffiti and Cities+
BUILD analyzes how graffiti can be a marker for the development of a city.
Modern Tour: Arizona + New Mexico+
BUILD tours the modern buildings of Arizona and New Mexico.
Digital Media Tools for Architects and Designers+
BUILD explores the potential of Youtube.
Gwendolyn Wright Lecture+
BUILD contemplates Gwendolyn Wrights lecture from the University of Washington.
The Modern List Seattle+
The Modern List Seattle is intended for the design conscious interested in experiencing modern architecture, design, art, food and...
Better Know a Neighborhood – Georgetown, Seattle+
BUILD gets to know the southern neighborhood of Georgetown in Seattle.
Architecture and Discipline+
BUILD assesses how discipline in architecture helps refine the built project.
A New Visual Language for Architecture+
BUILD takes a look at current visual styles and dives into how we represent projects.
Lorcan O’Herlihy: The Rigor of Process+
This week BUILD looks at the rigor involved in the process of design and how discipline can make great architecture....