
Architects and Curating the City+

BUILD looks at the power of curation as design tool for the urban environment.

Read More+ 9 years ago

Micro-housing Analysis & Opinion+

BUILD shares their thoughts on the growing micro-housing trend.

Read More+ 9 years ago

The Significance of Local Craftsmanship+

BUILD puts their money where there mouth is and gets a new road bike.

Read More+ 9 years ago

Why We Build Case Study Houses+

BUILD reveals the ideas and execution behind their Case Study House Series.

Read More+ 9 years ago

Top Five Social Media Tips for Architects+

BUILD shares their top tested tips on navigating the waters of social media.

Read More+ 9 years ago

The Science of Architecture+

BUILD shares thoughts on the science, not art, of architecture.

Read More+ 9 years ago

A Student’s Guide to the Architectural Internship+

BUILD lays out 10 tips for students looking to get the most out of their summer internship.

Read More+ 9 years ago

An Open Letter to Building Departments+

BUILD expresses concerns on the building permit process.

Read More+ 9 years ago

Architects and Usefulness, A New Year’s Resolution+

BUILD shares a new year's resolution for 2015.

Read More+ 10 years ago

Taking Back Architect+

BUILD shares thoughts and recommendations on the proper use of the term "Architect."

Read More+ 10 years ago

The Craft of Physical Models: A Guest Post by Cale Wilber+

BUILD's summer intern shares thoughts and lessons about the handmade architectural model.

Read More+ 10 years ago

10 Design Observations from Scandinavia+

BUILD shares insights from a recent trip abroad.

Read More+ 10 years ago

Notes on the Nature of Perfection+

BUILD addresses the notion of perfection in design and construction.

Read More+ 10 years ago

10 Architectural Features That Should Be Taken Out Of Rotation+

BUILD officially takes 10 architectural features out of the design vernacular.

Read More+ 10 years ago

Something is Very Wrong+

BUILD sounds the alarm bell on over-regulation, excessive permit fees, and general bureaucratic embellishment.

Read More+ 10 years ago

The Selection Process of Design+

BUILD spells out 5 filters and considerations that aid architects and homeowners in the selection process.

Read More+ 10 years ago

Social Media in the Post-Recession Economy+

BUILD shares their strategies for using the ever-increasing tools for connecting and sharing.

Read More+ 11 years ago

50 Proverbs for Design+

Words of wisdom that get BUILD through the day.

Read More+ 11 years ago

Houses For Living | Installation Art+

BUILD offers a simple distinction between art and architecture.

Read More+ 11 years ago

A Famous Person’s 5-Step Guide to Becoming an Architect+

BUILD shares their wisdom in the transitional measures necessary to tranform a celebrity into an architect.

Read More+ 11 years ago

Taking Back Your Career+

BUILD's top 10 survival skills for eliminating distractions and getting back to work.

Read More+ 11 years ago

The Paperless Age, A Love Letter+

BUILD thanks the DPD for a quantum leap in submitting permits.

Read More+ 11 years ago

Sometimes Dumber is Smarter+

BUILD shares one of the many counter-intuitive measures of modernism.

Read More+ 11 years ago

Why We Still Model…By Hand+

BUILD breaks down their rationale behind making physical models.

Read More+ 11 years ago

An Architectural Glossary+

BUILD shares a lesson in architectural vocabulary.

Read More+ 11 years ago

Landing a Job in Architecture+

Five factors to separate you from a stack of resumes.

Read More+ 11 years ago

Poetics of Ordinary+

BUILD admires the simplicity and poetry of ordinary objects used in extraordinary ways.

Read More+ 11 years ago

What We (Should Have) Learned from the Recession+

BUILD lays out the hard lessons learned from the past few years, and has their fingers crossed that history doesn't...

Read More+ 11 years ago

Architects and the Power of Words+

BUILD tells the story of a design disaster in 1959 turned positive with one simple word from the right person...

Read More+ 11 years ago

An Open Letter to MoMA: The Museum of Mediocre Aspirations+

BUILD responds to MoMA's decision to demolish the American Folk Art Museum.

Read More+ 11 years ago