[Image Source: ARCADE]

A little over three years ago, we hit a milestone 10 interviews for ARCADE Magazine. For those uninitiated, ARCADE is a non-profit design organization and publication based in Seattle connected to a top-notch community who really know how to put together a great publication and fantastic events.

This interview series continues to be an enjoyable one for us to contribute to each issue,  providing insight into the practice, development, and education of architecture around the globe. Just recently, we hit another milestone — our 20th interview (currently on newsstands and online)! Back in May, ARCADE posted a beautiful retrospective of our entire interview series to date. Today, we’ll take a brief look back at the most recent 10 interviews with some of our favorite quotes. Enjoy!

Joshua Aidlin of Aidlin Darling (Issue 31.4, Fall 2013)
We have a fascination with how things are made. Once we have a commission, it’s an opportunity to create something much more than just a building; it’s an opportunity to explore different materials, light and the physical makeup of architecture.

(Catch the rest of the interview in a previous blog post.)

[Image Source: Fast Company Design]

David Baker (ARCADE Blog, Winter 2014)
We always design things we’d live in ourselves. That’s our metric. I just thought it was shocking that he’d say, “I don’t design housing this way because I’d make more money.”

(Catch the rest of the interview in a previous blog post.)

[Photo by Brian Rose]

AvroKO (Issue 32.2, Fall 2014)
The food tastes better when the space feels great, and the space looks better when the food tastes great. Those two things go hand in hand, and they’re both dependent on how the restaurant is organized.

[Photo by Michael Weber]

Laurie Hawkinson of Smith-Miller + Hawkinson (Issue 32.1, Spring 2014)
We apply our design lens to this script and give it back in some other form. That cultural lens focuses on how to make a particular program relevant today in terms of the way we live. The criteria are always changing based on the situation and the program, but the lens is consistent.

[Photo by Michael Moran / OTTO]

Kate Ascher of Buro Happold (ARCADE Blog, Summer 2014)
While some structures may be considered “green” they are draped in glass and retain almost no heat. Consider the energy involved in making these tall buildings in the first place. There’s no way to truly calculate the environmental impacts; where do you start?

(Catch the rest of the interview in a previous blog post.)

[Photo by BUILD LLC]

Gert WingÄrdh (Issue 32.3, Winter 2014)
I think it’s a very German-Scandinavian understanding that the architecture respects nature and the poetics come from doing so in an artistic way.

(Catch the rest of the interview in a previous blog post.)

[Photoby Gert WingÄrdh]

HÄkan Widjedal of Arkitektstudio Widjedal Racki (Issue 33.1, Spring 2015)
The paradigm shift that can occur when architecture is experienced in person can open up different possibilities for appreciating why the buildings are important; when you visit these buildings, you get a whole new level of experience.

(Catch the rest of the interview in a previous blog post.)

[Photo by Åke E:son Lindman]

Mark deReus (Issue 33.2, Fall 2015)
A home is more than a collection of spaces or an assembly of materials; it’s a vessel for living and experiencing family and a location. This term helps orient clients to expand their input to us for design into the qualitative realm.

(Catch the rest of the interview in a previous blog post.)

[Photo by Joe Fletcher]

Peter Bohlin & Ray Calabro of Bohlin, Cwyinski, Jackson (Issue 33.3, Winter 2015)
The level of discipline required is different, but both are getting at the nature of specific people and places, on both intellectual and emotional levels. It’s useful to recognize that the emotional and the intellectual sides work together, so that they reinforce each other.

(Catch the rest of the interview in a previous blog post.)

[Photo by Nic Lehoux]

Lake Union Partners (Issue 34.1, Spring 2016)
Let’s study ideas and really put some data behind the current issues Seattle is facing. What does rent control really mean? Why are we waving the flag so hard? Let’s hit the pause button and get to some authentic analysis.

(Catch the rest of the interview in a previous blog post.)

[Photo by BUILD LLC]

And we’re already working on the next ten. Interview twenty-one is slated for the upcoming issue, hitting the newsstands in a little over a week. Join us on September 15th for the launch party celebrating the release of Issue 34.2: Architectures of Migration at the new Weyerhaeuser Headquarters in Pioneer Square.

Cheers from Team BUILD