Spring flew by, or maybe it’s not quite over yet. It’s tough to tell around here sometimes. No matter  the season, there are a lot of plates spinning around BUILD World Headquarters. Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to and what’s coming up.

A couple residences, a remodel in the city and a house on a six-acre wooded site east of Seattle, recently wrapped up schematics.

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

Another residential project, perched atop Queen Anne Hill, is in Design Development mode. Likewise for the office remodel for our friends at Society Consulting in Bellevue. (And a huge congrats for the Seattle Business Magazine mention!)

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

In other architect-y news, we’ve got a handful of top secret missions coming across our desks. We’re in the middle of working as a design consultant on a large-scale project in Seattle, and we also have a few projects bubbling up in the restaurant/café world. That’s all we can say about that. It’s highly classified for now. If we tell you, well, you know.

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

The house in Beaux-Arts Village is in the review stage at the moment. We’re excited to get the ground broken on this one. Check back to get the scoop on the construction happenings.

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

Our Case Study House just broke ground a little over a week ago. Demolition and excavation were completed within a few days, and foundations were poured last week. So far, construction is progressing at a swift but steady pace. Make sure to check in for regular updates on this pet project of ours.

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

Construction of new office space for CreativeLIVE is progressing at full speed.

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

One of our favorite non-profit organizations in Seattle, Coyote Central, is almost finished up with construction of their new workshop spaces.

[Image source: Coyote Central]

Spring was a busy season for SPD! We went from showcasing some of the shop’s work in Chicago to launching full force into a moving frenzy. Our new SPD shop is now located just across the Fremont Bridge along Nickerson Street. The location is fantastic—and, not to mention, an upgrade in square footage. We posted some teaser pics on Facebook while the paint was still drying. Big thanks to David Heck for his sharp work on the painted signage! Interior modifications are still in progress mode, and we’ll keep you posted on the rest of the space soon enough.

[Image source: David Heck]

[Image source: David Heck]

Our most recent project in Bellevue wrapped up at the end of April. In typical fashion, we had a great open house party to celebrate with clients, co-workers, friends, and family. We’re right on the heels of our next wrap up on a home just south of the city in a few short weeks. (Currently wrapping up interior finish work and landscaping on the grounds.) We’re eagerly anticipating the unveiling of this gorgeous home overlooking Puget Sound.

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

Our interview with Nader Tehrani of NADAAA and MIT is now available both in print and web through Arcade Magazine. As expected, it’s another incredible issue covering the design world both in the Northwest and beyond, complete with a stellar launch party to match. Coming up this fall is our chat with John Ronan, a Chicago architect making waves in the Midwest. Subscribe and connect on Facebook for the up-to-the-moment scoop on the happenings at Arcade.

[Image source: Arcade Magazine and John Horner]

[Image source: Steve Hall/Hedrich Blessing]

Back in May, we were thrilled to be invited to present at PechaKucha 36: Nordic Love. Lots of Nordic design lovin’ and mutual inspiration went down that night. We covered both our presentations and fellow presenters’ work in a couple previous posts. Now that it’s summer, the lecture circuit is on a much-anticipated break. We’ll be enjoying the “down time” and “good weather” until things pick back up in the fall.

Our annual S2V ride is coming up, which means we’ve got another version of the jersey to design. We’ll be launching a blog post in the coming weeks with more information about the 2012 ride and officially unveiling the final designs. In the meantime, enjoy a sampling of the Feltronian infographic concepts.

[Image source: BUILD LLC]

You can always see what we’re up to on our Twitter Feed.
The scene behind the scenes is over at Facebook.
And you can check out what’s inspiring us over on Pinterest.

Cheers from Team BUILD