[Photo by Andrew van Leeuwen]

Part two of our Gordon Walker series focuses on some of his large-scale projects. Itā€™s been a real pleasure sorting through the Walker archives and several noteworthy characteristics stand out to us.

[Photo by Eckert & Eckert]

Thereā€™s an important relationship between the mindā€™s eye and a clear translation to presentation and built-form ā€“a sequence of actions that Walker carries out with mastery. The amount of sketching and hand drawing behind any one of his projects is extraordinary. Embedded in these drawings are craft and discipline ā€“qualities only achieved by someone who has applied the bulk of their life to thinking and doing design. The usefulness in being able to draw and sketch with a simple pencil in such a way that people can understand your ideas is vital as an architect. These are perhaps the most powerful of ā€œtoolsā€ for an architect to posses ā€“methods of comprehending and communicating that will allow an architect to direct their talents toward just about anything, as Gordon Walker has proven so well.

Newport Civic Center by Walker Architects

Thoits Building in Palo Alto by NBBJ

University of Idaho Alberston Building

Carissa Bed & Breakfast in Palm Springs by Walker Architects

Francia Russell Center in Bellevue Washington by Walker Architects

5th & Republican Building in Seattle by Walker Architects

Join Gordon Walker and BUILD LLC on Thursday January 27th from 4pm ā€“ 6pm at the Henrybuilt Showroom in SeattleĀ  at 997 Western Ave. We’ll be discussing senior housing for the 21st century. Drinks, munchies, 10 bucks at the door. We’d love to see you there.