Weā€™ve been busy here at the BUILD world headquarters lately and itā€™s a good time to share what weā€™ve been up to. Despite the recession, or maybe in light of it, our philosophy is to always keep designing, building and doing. Itā€™s a mindset that has worked well for us and it has opened up some great avenues as opportunities for new projects have become challenging.

Weā€™re very passionate about remodels and the Queen Anne home that weā€™re currently working on in Seattle is no exception. Designing up solutions that allow older homes to take on a new life and improved function get our gears spinning. If done correctly, these remodels are also a very sustainable solution for housing. The project maintains the existing foundation and first floor framing; it reworks the second floor and brings the house into the 21st century with a new envelope.

Weā€™re deep in the trenches of designing a new house in Bellevue Washington. Weā€™ve had a ton of fun diagramming out the function of the home and weā€™re fully into design development. The first massing models are hot off the press and, as much faith as we have in our minds-eye, there are always pleasant surprises that emerge out of the digital models.

Recently, we designed a tenant improvement for a start-up firm in downtown Seattle. The new interior brings a sense of exploration, fun and intention to the space. Stay tuned for the build-out which includes some details weā€™re super excited to share.

The Innis Arden Residence is slated for publication in Atomic Ranch later this summer. The folks over at AR have been a pleasure to work with and you should check out their quarterly publication that focuses on Mid-century marvels.

The Davidson Residence in Magnolia will be appearing in the Seattle Times Pacific Northwest Magazine on Sunday April 3rd.Ā  A huge thanks to Becky Teagarden and Benjamin Benschneider for all the hard work.

Our ongoing interview series for Arcade Magazine continues to be a great way to stay involved and contribute to a stellar community of designers. We recently spoke with Liz Dunn of Dunn + Hobbs who is at the forefront of ā€œmaking neighbors fire on all cylinders.ā€ The interview will be out in the June issue of Arcade, hereā€™s a quick preview:

The work youā€™re doing at your development company Dunn + Hobbs fosters ā€œurban villagesā€ and currently focuses on infill projects and reusing old buildings along Seattleā€™s Pike-Pine corridor. Youā€™ve created some wonderful places in town including 1310 Union, the Piston & Ring Building, the sleek Agnes Lofts and the recently completed Melrose Market. Tell us a bit about how this focus came about.
I started with one piece of land that no one else seemed to wantĀ  ā€“it was 3,200 square feet and smaller than most single family lots in Seattle but zoned for 6 stories. I love the skinny lots because they are such an interesting urban challenge ā€“ and the completed projects can have such great visual impact.Ā  What we were getting in Seattle at the time wasnā€™t particularly inspiring, and skinny urban buildings can inject so much life into their blocks.
It was difficult to get the process going; that first project was an exercise in bootstrapping ā€“ pooling some equity with friends and miraculously finding a lender.. I teamed up with Dave Miller [of the Miller Hull Partnership] on the 1310 Union project and neither of us had ever done an urban mixed use project before. But that was probably a blessing because we werenā€™t hampered with pre-conceptions.


We took on some graphic design work earlier in the year and had a blast with it. The project involved designing and generating a series of icons for a publication. It was liberating to design something without having to worry about keeping the heat in and the rain out. Here are a few:

Weā€™re working on an upcoming BUILD Book Report and weā€™re knee deep in a bunch of brand-new titles that we think youā€™re going to enjoy. Publishers ā€“get those books in now to be included.

Sitting in on juries for the University of Washington graduate school of architecture has also been on our agenda lately. There’s a lot of talent coming up the ranks and we’re always honored to be included. A big thanks to Elizabeth Golden and her studio.

Thatā€™s the scoop. Weā€™re delighted to be working with so many exceptional clients and look forward to more great projects. Let us know if weā€™d be a good fit for anything out there.
Cheers from team BUILD