Itā€™s done; our new website is launched. Our last website lasted us 9 years. And while it was home-made and a bit clunky, it made it nearly a decade in an era of digital instant gratification. So when we sought out to select a designer for our new website it was critical to create a finished product that had a timeless sensibility, a lasting quality and a cost-effective price-tag. From the start, we liked the idea of using a template website; using a kit-of-parts that a web expert has already developed just makes sense. After all, itā€™s how we build houses; we donā€™t go reinventing plywood for each project so why design a website from scratch when the building blocks have already been established. In researching template websites for architects we quickly became disenchanted; they seemed over designed and fussy. And then it hit us <smack palm to forehead> while the architecture is the final product we are delivering, the website itself needs to be designed in relation to the photograph. Our research took a turn and we started combing over photography websites. Soon after, our buddy Chase turned us on to liveBooks whose templates were clean, rational and allowed the poetics to translate through the screen. liveBooks offered 3 different templates, we picked one, worked with their designers and now have a website that is a quantum leap for us. The site embodies that ā€œeverything it needs to be and nothing moreā€ philosophy weā€™re always after in our built works. So at any rateā€¦ take the tour and let us know what you think. And if you’re looking for a clean, straight-forward website yourself (for a price that doesn’t knock you out of your seat) check out some solid templates here.