We’re pleased to announce that team BUILD has pulled off our second annual charity bicycle ride: a 2-day, 187-mile jaunt from Seattle to Vancouver, BC now officially christened as the S2V Invitational.   We ask our friends, colleagues, and progressive business owners to ride or just sponsor, and we’re delighted to send the not-insignificant proceeds to *social* profits doing important work.

Participants (top row L to R): Kevin Eckert, Ryan Linton,Josiah Johnson, Donald Summers, Albert Shum, Bill Reilly, Steve Oliver, Mike Mackie, Greg Plaunt, Aaron Pambianco, Scott Bleistein, Chris Patano
(bottom row L to R): Derek Birnie and Jorji Knickrehm of Washington C.A.S.H., Bill Wiegand, Bart Gibson, Duff Bangs (not pictured): coach, driver: Gary Plaunt

This year we chose Washington CASH (Community Alliance for Self Help) as the beneficiary.  They give hands-on education and support to low-income individuals to prepare them to start their own businesses. They even provide start-up capital, combining education and microfinance in a holistic package that supports both our economy and the people who are too often shut out of the opportunities we enjoy.  Their results are phenomenal—they multiply the dollars they raise to generate powerful economic and social returns—and we’re looking forward to watching them get their programs to scale.

[RSVP map courtesy of the Cascade Bicycle Club]

Plus, like many of this year’s S2V Invitational riders and sponsors, we’re small business owners, so we thought Washington CASH was a natural fit.  Importantly, every dollar we raised goes straight to the organizations we support.  This year we are pleased to announce a total of $14,000 and counting.  Not bad for year two—last year we did over 10k for Shelterbox.

We do this ride each year for a simple reason: to be part of something bigger than ourselves.  Activity like this adds meaning to our lives.  Again, pretty simple.  And with gorgeous weather, a fantastic group of generous, happy people, and plenty of world class cycling added in, we had a weekend we will all long remember.

Our sincere, humble thanks to all who contributed.  Special, heavily deserved recognition goes to Greg Plaunt for schooling everyone on the climbs, leading the optional third leg to Whistler, and providing the motorhome (i.e. sag wagon).  Huge cheers to Gary Plaunt for his magnanimous driving and coaching duties; to our great friends and rock-star chefs at Picnic for the gourmet food; and also to delightful neighbor Kathryn for the bushel of delish cookies and brownies.

The list of other individuals, clients, neighbors and friends is lengthy, and some even wish to remain anonymous, but each of you know who you are.  We simply can’t thank you enough for the support.

We had a ton of fun designing up this year’s custom jersey. Below is the graphic evolution of the Seattle and Vancouver skylines to the line drawings which appear on the front and back of the 2011 jersey.  Good folks, good food, fitness and design- looks like we touched on them all.

Cheers from team BUILD