Each year the New York Times magazine releases their “Year in Ideas” issue. This catalog of 70 important ideas from the last year is a highly recommended read – not only for the ideas themselves but also because of the clever diagrams accompanying some of the ideas each year. Today’s blog entry highlights 7 ideas which have been paired with clever, beautiful, informative diagrams. Get yourself a copy or visit the website and catch up on ideas from 2007.

Ambiguity Promotes Liking
A comparison of what online daters think of their blind dates before and after the face to face date.

Ambiguity Promotes Liking

Community Urinalysis
A community urinalysis results from testing the town’s sewer water.

Community Urinalysis

Fish-Flavored Fish
Mapping different fish according to taste.

Fish-Flavored Fish

The God Effect
A comparison of individual’s generosity with and without the idea of God subliminally on the mind.

The God Effect

Hope Can Be Worse Than Hopelessness
A comparison of individual’s general happiness with and without hope in a specific life crisis.

Hope Can Be Worse Than Hopelessness

Mindful Exercise
A measure of individuals general health based on how much exercise they’re told they’re getting.

Mindful Exercise

Quitting Can Be Good for You
A measure of goal setting as compared with bodily stress

Quitting Can Be Good for You

The Alibi
A visual tracking device for an individual’s life

The Alibi